Why Buy AlaskaGrown
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Ask for AlaskaGrown

AlaskaGrown products can't thrive on sunshine, water and farmer's TLC alone - they also require consumer demand. Local AlaskaGrown producers are competing against large, out-of-state corporations who can provide large quantities at a low price. However, this often comes at the cost of quality, flavor and freshness.

If the AlaskaGrown promise - fresher by far - is important to you, and you're in favor of supporting the local economy, make it known to the businesses you patronize. It is easy to ask your store manager, waiter or chef if they use AlaskaGrown products. And if they don't, let them know that you like to spend your money where management commits to "buying local."

You can even go a step further and voice your support of AlaskaGrown to your friends and family, through your newspaper's letters to the editor, or to your legislator.

Visit a local market, grocer, U-pick farm or restaurant that offers AlaskaGrown products today!


Copyright © 2004-2023 | alaskagrown.org | Farm products and tobacco from Alaska | All rights reserved.